Hope & Positivity

Sunday, October 3, 2021

My Experiements With Communication!

On the eve of 152nd birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, I conducted an experiment by coming on stage first time as an Emcee at Bangalore Toastmasters Club.

I had never thought of in my life that I could achieve this feat. I always thought that the role of an Emcee was performed by a talented person who speak eloquently on the stage.

But one thing I learnt from reading the book  'My Experiement with Truth', an autobiography by Mahatma Gandhi that consistent experiement with life can transform anyone. That is why he was transformed from a common Karamchandra Gandhi to Mahatma Gandhi.

Toastmasters is the best place to experiment not just on developing communication skills but on onquering fear, coming out of comfort zone, overcoming the limitations, refueling with new learnings, developing new connection, firing neurons, developing influencing ability, achieving task through collaboration, improving listening & thinking and developing leadership.

I learnt that your experiement may fail but you must never fail to experiment.

I pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi ji who was a great transformer and exemplary leader. His experiments are always inspiring for me.