Hope & Positivity

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Mango Times!

Yesterday one news flashed that Indian Post Office is going to deliver Mangoes directly to customers. It led me to think what a disruption is happening at time of crisis. Post office has a wide network in the country which was once happened to be a lifeline for delivering the personalized news. Now it is geared up for delivering Mangoes and breaking glass ceiling of its status quo.

What a collaborative disruption is happening at time of corona pandemic! 

While taking name itself of mango brings mouth watering. But have we ever thought that Mango can't be just juicy, pulpy & sweet fruit but can it be also teach management lessons to us?

I am wondering what lessons can be learnt from Mango that can be applied to corporate world. There are following thoughts that came to my mind:

1. Mango is found to be in immense variety with different tastes. Even some of mangoes used for specific recipes like salad, pickle, juice, chutney, ice cream, mango bar. In same way employees in the corporate world posses unique strength. Each of employees can't be compared to others. We need to capitalize their strength to meet the company objective and even selection of mango or employee should be done as per specific need.

2.  We enjoy the mango with its pulp and juice not the skin and seed. After the relishing its pulp and juice we throw out the skin & seed and never complaint of colour of skin and size of seed. Every employees posses certain strengths and weaknesses. We should focus on demonstrating their strength rather their weaknesses without considering appearance. So other lesson is learnt that never judge the person by their appearance. Let them demonstrate their talent. This lesson can also be applied in the society.

3.  Mango is available only for short time unlike other fruit like Banana. Farmers put a year of focus efforts to bring pulp and juice to it. We can learn that for any project to accomplish a focus and time bound effort is required. If time and focus are not given importance nothing concrete can be achieved and appreciated.

4. If we are putting effort with purpose to accomplish a project and it is getting delay or some obstacle come across , other team members subordinate the project jointly to accomplish the task on time. This happened in case of crisis of covid 19, supply and sales of mangoes are stuck. Now, post office department is coming forward to rescue mangoes' farmers.

What do you think any other lesson can be learnt from Mango or any other fruits? Just think over it and eager to know your views.

1 comment:

  1. Comparable to Mango with corporate to learn & develop the organic growth in true spirit of sustainability.
