Hope & Positivity

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What Do The Cuckoo Says

Every morning I get up at 5 am and first thing I heard from my balcony is sweet voice of Cuckoo. It is just like alarming bell which wakes up to me without setting the time at night. While going for walk in the complex I can observe many birds are joining the chorus with cuckoo and singing the sweet songs in the air.

While listening to the chorus in the air, I am trying to figure out what does these sweet songs means to us. What are they telling us? Why do they come out of their cocoon and putting effort without set an stage?

It appears that they are saying that "hey man look around yourself we birds are beautiful creature on the earth. We are important part of environment. But still we are not finding much space to live in cities. Cities are polluted and also for sake of living in home, you are destroying our home by cutting trees. Where do we go? Do we have any other planet to live in? Once you find any live in space in other planet do let me know. May be our generation would not exist by that time to fly away from earth to other planet. Still I am hopeful with human's new generation they may be sensitive to our living and stop cutting trees and plant more trees to live in not just for us but for entire living beings.

We birds continue our chorus songs in the morning as alarm till you listen to hear and take appropriate action."


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