Hope & Positivity

Friday, November 27, 2020

Overcoming My Fear!

Have ever you experienced that you know something but when it was asked from you in gathering, you could not answer it because of fear of what others may think of me if I am incorrect. 

Yes this happened to me again today.

Today we had an exciting Quality Quiz session in our company. Different teams across the Marketing & Sales function participated in the quiz. The questions were so messimerising to keep the audience and participants spell bounded and excited. Interestingly, the questions were such that difficult to search on google.

There were 5 rounds of questions and after each round or in case participants could not answered the questions, the audience can answer them. In one such round, I was 100% knowing the answer but because of fear that if it is wrong what would other may think. So I could not answered it. Surprising I noticed that persons from Sr Management also tried but answered them wrongly.

Aprat from this situation, many times in my life it happened to me, it is because of fear that is pulling me down or I could not able to speak or I could not able to answer the question or I could not strike a small conversation with others.

So from today's session I learnt a lesson that forget what others may think or judge. Always keep in mind that no person in this world is perfect. Let's flow with rhythm of the situation without caught up in fear of situation.

This way I can overcome my fear. I am sure a small improvement in myself that may have profound impact in my life sooner.


1 comment:

  1. Just for curiosity.Could you plz list out some of the questions if u remember as you mentioned that questions were like hard to find on Google.
